Wednesday 6 August 2014

What expansion pack would you like me to focus on?

Guess the title says it all really but which expansion pack, out of Pets, Ambitions, Generations and Late Nights, would you like me to do a review on using a household? 

It's just that I've just noticed that the Rock family has lots of the pets involved and is in twinbrook so uses ambitions aswell. 

Just wanting to know what you guys want to hear! 

Comment down below! Xoxo

Tuesday 5 August 2014

New family: introduction

 Told you I would post tonight!

Okay so I have made a new household. They are the 'Rock' household.

Layla Rock is the sim. Honey Rock is the German Shepherd dog. Jamie Rock is the Cocker Spaniel dog. And last but not least, Midnight Rock is the horse.

They have recently moved house to this beautiful mansion, in Twinbrook, you can see in the pictures.

They moved houses because they were getting robbed every single night. I think it was the area because ever since they moved, they haven't been robbed- touch wood!

So I am planning on keeping her single, but if you guys want otherwise, then let me know.

However, I am going to have her try for a baby with her bestfriend, who has a wife, but then just make them friends again.

Layla currently has 2 stars celebrity and has had to install gates on the mansion so that the paparazzi don't come inside.

So this is the introduction to the Rock family. I hope you like them as much as I do, and comment down below on requests you want me to do with the Rock family.

Love you guys xoxo


Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't been posting in AGES! I've been really busy but now it's summer I can start posting very regularly now. 

Oh and also apologies for how cringing my previous posts were. I thought about taking them down but they still might be useful to some of you. And I also might go back to the legacy when I'm struggling for something to do. 

Tonight, or later this afternoon probably, I'm going to update the blog on my laptop, and then tonight play the sims, and then post something. 

Comment if you want me to do something specific. I have generations, pets, ambitions and late nights. 

I will do reviews if you want on specific games or features. 

Bye! Will post tonight! 

Monday 6 January 2014

Update on Legacy

Ok this is going to be a really quick update on the legacy. The woman is now pregnant and so hopefully sometime soon the baby will come! Thinking of doing a homebirth tradition throughout the legacy! Comment down below what happens after you complete the legacy and I'll shout out your blog?


P.S The legacy is getting quite interesting!

Boarding School here we go! Sims 3 Generations

Ok so I didn't have a very good time trying to get one of the kids in my Sims 3 family to boarding school. I chose the most expensive one for this little spoilt brat I got to calm her down (I think it's called Smugworth Prep School? Something like that) and so we called at like 10pm? Yes we called the place at 10pm and paid the money and all that. They said they'd pick her up at 9am the next day. So there we were the next day getting ready and at 8am, the other kids went to school as usual and at 9am we're sat there waiting to be picked up. I thought there was like a glitch or something but FINALLY we were picked up at 11:04am. Then this fancy limo arrived and the kid was off! Like what the heck just happened? Anyway I'd just thought I'd let you guys in on this happening. Comment down below what strange things have happened to you about the Boarding School!

P.S Yes I know about the legacy and no I haven't been on it for a while (I might check up on them in this family as they're in the same town!)

Byeeeeeeeeee xoxox

My Sims 3 Legacy

So I've been watching some youtube videos where people have been making these legacies. I explained at the end of my last blog post what it is but just because I love you guys I'm going to explain again.

So a Sims 3 Legacy is where you play through 10 generations of a family. I know I'm going to find this really hard because I'm someone who gets bored really easily and quickly. I think I'm going to have to add some tragedies and dramas to this legacy just to spice things up a bit but I'm going to try it anyhow.

So I guess I've already started as I've made a couple who have a dog. If you're really that bothered to know it's a Cocker Spaniel. So yes the woman is throwing up and hopefully she'll become pregnant soon but it's taking some time. It does get boring just waiting around (that's why I got the dog to make it more interesting).

I feel bad for the woman as the husband is just as a bored as I am. :D I have no clue how I'm going to keep this up but I guess you guys can help me out? Comment down below some things that I can do so I won't get bored.

That's it for now guys so I guess I'll see you next time.

P.S I'll be trying to update you on the legacy as much as possible but not much is happening at the moment apart from waiting for this baby! Haha bye everyoneeeee


The ULTIMATE secret to stop your sims 3 game from lagging!

So recently I was experiencing lagging on my Sims 3 game. I thought it was the amount of expansion packs I had and the amount of downloads I had, but I was (thankfully!) wrong!

I won't go on rambling, I'll just cut to the point! So go on your computer, go on documents and find Electronic Arts. Then go on the Sims folder. There will be tons of folders that I bet you never knew about and some you don't need at all. At first I was hesitant to test this as I am a big time Sims 3 gamer but it doesn't effect the game AT ALL apart from get rid of the lagging!

Sorry I went rambling didn't I? Ok so there should be a folder called DCBackup. DELETE EVERYTHING IN THE FILE! There will be loads of junk in there so just go ahead and delete it all. This works on PC's and Macs.

I know, I know, give me some praise, haha. That's it until next time! Comment on what you want me to talk about next time on Sims 3! I could update you on how my Legacy is going? If you guys don't know what a Legacy is, it's where you have 10 generations of a family. :) So yes, comment what you want to see and I'll do it!

Please share this blog and I'll be happy to look at yours!

Bye Bye Simmers!

P.S I can't wait for Sims 4 can you?! xoxoxo